Domain Name Registration

What is a domain name, why does your website need one, and should you register it through a domain name registration company, or through your website hosting company?

Click through for more details about domain name registration.

Website Hosting

What is web hosting, and will your business website require dedicated hosting, a Virtual Private Server (VPS) or can it start with shared hosting and upgrade later?

Click through for more website hosting details and recommendations.

Email Marketing Information

Social media marketing will likely be an important part of your business’ marketing campaign.

One of the goals of a successful social media marketing campaign should be to get customers and potential customers to sign up for your email marketing campaign.

Click through to learn more about email marketing.

Content Creation Outsourcing

If you don’t have the time or inclination to create regular content for your website to keep it fresh in the eyes of the search engines, you can outsource this work.

While I offer this as a service, freelance services such as Fiverr are worth exploring.

Disclosure: I have an affiliate relationship with this company. This means that if you click on one of my links to this company and buy their service, I may receive a commission.